[BLOG] Communicative ESL lessons - why are they so important?

Not sure if speaking lessons are useful? Read this blog post about the importance of communicative lessons in ESL and find out!


Please keep in mind that the opinions posted on this blog are my own.

Everybody might have a different experience and opinions, and that's OK.

Let's Chat: The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
Who remembers speaking English at school? You know, like actually having discussions, role-plays, debates, expressing one’s opinions and challenging somebody else’s? Not for a grade! For the sake of speaking and actually using the language? Neither do I!
Not having those lessons at school (note: public schools in Eastern Europe in the 90s) was one of the reasons why 80% of the time in my lessons consist of speaking.
Let's talk about a game-changer in the teaching world: communicative lessons. So, why should we put a spotlight on speaking in the classroom? Let me break it down for you (and our teachers…):

Boost Language Fluency

When students spend more time speaking in the classroom, their language fluency skyrockets. It's simple math, really – the more they practice speaking, the better they get at it. Communicative lessons give students the chance to express themselves, share ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations. Before you know it, they'll be chatting away like native speakers!

Foster Real-World Skills

Let's face it – in the real world, communication is key. Communicative lessons prepare students for life beyond the classroom by honing their interpersonal skills, negotiation abilities, and cultural awareness. Whether they're negotiating a business deal or making friends in a foreign country, the communication skills they learn in class will serve them well.

Encourage Collaboration

Collaboration is the name of the game in communicative lessons. By working together on tasks, projects, and activities, students learn from each other, support each other, and grow together. Whether they're brainstorming ideas, solving problems, or practising language skills, collaboration fosters a sense of community and camaraderie in the classroom.

So, there you have it – the lowdown on why communicative lessons are the bomb.
By focusing on speaking in the classroom, teachers boost language fluency, build confidence, foster real-world skills, increase engagement, encourage collaboration, and cultivate critical thinking.
So, let's ditch the textbooks (not completely, more on that another time!), break out the conversation starters (like these ones or these ones), and get our students talking up a storm.
The future of language learning is in their hands – let's give them the tools they need to succeed!
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
Oh look! Some cool conversational lesson plans and communicative activities for your ESL classroom!
What a surprise!
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ESL EFL Warm-up activity Conversation Starters Speaking and VocabularyESL EFL Warm-up activity Conversation Starters Speaking and Vocabulary
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom

Cultivate Critical Thinking

Communicative lessons go beyond rote memorisation and passive learning – they challenge students to think critically, analyse information, and problem-solve in real-time. By engaging in meaningful conversations, debates, and discussions, students develop their critical thinking skills and learn to express their opinions, justify their arguments, and think on their feet.

Build Confidence

Speaking in a new language can be intimidating, but communicative lessons help students build confidence one conversation at a time. By creating a supportive and encouraging environment, teachers empower students to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. Soon enough, they'll be speaking up in class without a second thought.

Increase Engagement

Gone are the days of passive learning and bored students staring at their textbooks. Communicative lessons are all about active participation, student engagement, and hands-on learning. By getting students talking, moving, and interacting with each other, teachers create dynamic and lively classrooms where learning is fun and exciting.

The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom
The Power of Speaking in the Classroom